Social Media Postings/Replies (SMPR)

Social Media Postings/Replies (SMPR)

Job Details: 
1. Like all of our staffs postings in sgomp plus halp blp members daily
2. Comment pm or related emoji x5 on every postings.
3. Copy paste viral postings of our staffs on sgomp
4. Reply on Our FB Pages
5. Add Friedns, and get commenters to pm our revevant pages
6. Post giveaway postings in fb groups
7. Additional Task may be given as you progress your level
   Ex. Find viral text or stories to upload on sgomp and other fb groups. x10 uploads daily (Level 2)

Working hours:
- Flexible
- Preferably can commit at least 1 hour a day

Daily Reporting is Mandatory. No Report No Pay

Compensation per month: 

L1 = S$20 (Php 740)
L2 = S$40 (Php 1480)
L3 = S$60 (Php 2,220)
L4 = S$80 (Php  2,960)
L5 = S$100 (Php 3,700)
L6 = S$120 (Php 4,440)
L7 = S$140 (Php 5,180)
L8 = S$160 (Php 5,920)
L9 = S$180 (Php 6,660)
L10 = S$200 (Php 7,400)

Next Level:  
-Trainer Level is Additional S$20 to S$200 or more a month.
-Trainer level will get 5-10% of every recruitment salary

How to Apply:

1. Download Telegram App, make sure to fill up your Bio and upload profile pic in Telegram to avoid being rejected.

2. Send your Application Details together with your Information via Email and PM thru Telegram at 7:00am ONLY 

Telegram: @AskManagement 

Re: Application for Social Media Poster 

Marital Status:
No. of Kids:
Past Profession:
Position Applying for:
Expected Salary:
Highest Education:
Send your Highest Educational Transcript or Certificate
Send us a recent copy of your photo and 1 Government ID

For Salary Purposes (Can be submitted once hired)
Bank Account Details:
Bank Name:
Account Name:
Account Number:
Contact No.

Note: Do not send us as Attachment. Please insert everything on email when you are emailing.
List down all of your questions that you may have as well.

Special Notes: 
1. Those applicants without recent profile photo on Telegram will be automatically rejected.
2. You should share your contact with @AskManagement in Telegram

Good Luck!