Content Poster (HR)

Position: Content Poster (HR)

Description: Post job posts on fb groups.

Positions Available: 3

How to Get Applicants: 
1. Join Different FB Job related Groups
2. Do Job Posting
3. Get serious applicants up to 20,000  (to get this you must join and do posting to 30-50 groups a day)

1. Project Base
2. If you get 20,000 applicants you get S$400
3. If you will show excellent performance, may be subject for evaluation for a permanent post. 

How to Apply:
1. Create a Blogger Account (in to submit your Application 
2. Download Telegram App, make sure to fill up your Bio and upload profile pic in Telegram to avoid being rejected. 
3. Send your blogpost link to @AskManagement in Telegram if fails message @ResselM on Telegram. 
4. Send your Application Details together with your Information via Email and PM thru Telegram at 7:00am ONLY 

Telegram: @AskManagement 

Re: Application for Content Poster (HR)

Marital Status: 
No. of Kids:
Past Profession:
Position Applying for: 
Expected Salary:
Highest Education: 
Send us a recent copy of your photo and 1 Government ID 

For Salary Purposes (Can be submitted once hired)

Bank Account Details:
Bank Name:
Account Name:
Account Number: 
Contact No. 

Note: Do not send us as Attachment. Please insert everything on email when you are emailing. 
List down all of your questions that you may have as well. 

Special Notes: 
1. Those applicants without recent profile photo on Telegram will be automatically rejected.
2. Present your blog application with the best aesthetic you can.

Good Luck!